Charitable Bingo
Charitable Bingo Overview
In Ohio, charitable organizations may be eligible to conduct bingo as a fundraising tool. Bingo is a highly regulated activity in this state. In order to conduct bingo, a group must be considered a "charitable organization" and be issued a license from the Ohio Attorney General's Charitable Law Section.
In Ohio, there are three types of bingo:
Traditional bingo
Instant bingo
Electronic instant bingo
Bingo license applications, amendments and renewals must be submitted online via the Charitable Account Management Portal. For detailed instructions regarding bingo applications, see How to Complete a Bingo License Application in the Publications area at the bottom of this page.
A nonrefundable license fee will be assessed at the time of submission. Members of the Charitable Law Section are available to assist with any questions about conducting bingo and the online application process. Call 800-282-0515 or email for assistance.
The Charitable Law Section offers a variety of bingo trainings. Registration is available online. Please call the Charitable Law Section at the number listed above if you have questions regarding which training would best benefit your organization.
Since only qualified organizations are eligible for a bingo license, monies collected or raised by conducting bingo are charitable assets. Charity board members, bingo operators, and bingo volunteers owe fiduciary duties to their organization. A breach of these duties could result in loss of a bingo license and other liabilities. To help familiarize charities with their duties and responsibilities, board governance and interal controls presentations are part of each bingo training. For more information, please visit our Resources for Charities page.
Can my organization amend our bingo license?
Yes. Amendments must be completed online through the Charitable Account Management Portal. In some cases, a $250 amendment fee will be assessed after the amendment is submitted.
What is the minimum age to play bingo in Ohio?
A person must be at least 18 years old to play bingo in Ohio.
Can an individual with a felony be on the board of an organization that operates bingo?
Nothing in ORC 109, 1702, 1716, or 2915 prohibits a person who has been convicted of a felony or gambling offense from being on the board of a charitable organization that operates bingo. However, that person cannot be a bingo operator; see ORC 2915.11. Please contact private legal counsel to determine whether any other laws that may apply to your charitable organization would prevent a felon from serving on your charity's board.
Can an individual with a felony operate bingo or sell instant bingo tickets?
No. Persons who have been convicted of a felony or gambling offense in any jurisdiction may not be a bingo game operator. Bingo organizations are urged to closely review the list of bingo volunteers, ask whether they have any convictions, and consider conducting background checks.
Whom should I contact with questions about serving alcohol at bingo games?
Please refer to OAC 4301:1-1-53 or contact the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Liquor Control, with any questions regarding liquor use.
My organization has questions about conducting a raffle. Where can I find more information?
Visit the Charitable Gaming page for more information about who can conduct raffles and how they must be conducted.
Where can I find information on sales and use tax pertaining to the rental and sales of bingo equipment?
FAQ responses 33 through 37 on the “Sales and Use - Applying the Tax” page of the Ohio Department of Taxation’s website clarify when the purchase or rental of gaming equipment is subject to sales and use tax and when it is exempt.
Charitable Law Section
30 E. Broad St., 25th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 800-282-0515
Fax: 855-669-2154