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Bingo Manufacturer and Distributor Licensing

In Ohio, no manufacturer or distributor shall sell, offer to sell or otherwise provide or offer to provide bingo supplies for use in this state without first obtaining a license from the attorney general, as outlined in Ohio Revised Code 2915.081 and 2915.082.

To apply to become a licensed manufacturer or distributor of bingo supplies in Ohio, visit the Charitable Account Management Portal.

The most current lists of licensed manufacturers and distributors in Ohio can be viewed in the Publications section below. Charitable organizations MUST only purchase bingo supplies from a licensed distributor.

To verify locations authorized to play bingo, view a copy of a current valid license or temporary permit or scan the QR code on the license or temporary permit. For additional information, please contact the Charitable Bingo Unit at  800-282-0515 or

Upcoming Hearings

There are currently no upcoming manufacturer or distributor hearings scheduled.