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Charity Annual Report Filings

We recommend researching charities before donating to them. To that end, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office publishes the most recent annual report information submitted by charities that are established or active in Ohio and those that solicit Ohioans for donations. These charities are typically required to submit annual reports to the Ohio Attorney General's Charitable Law Section pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 109.31 and 1716.02.

The Charity Registration Filings report below provides the most recent annual report information submitted by charities required to file with the Ohio Attorney General. You can also use our Research Charities tool to find the most recent filing information for individual charities.



Charitable Law Section
30 E. Broad St., 25th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 800-282-0515
Fax: 614-466-9788